The Impact of Study Abroad on the Global Engagement of University Graduates


  • Dianna Murphy
  • Narek Sahakyan
  • Doua Yong-Yi
  • Sally Sieloff Magnan



Study abroad impact, Global engagment, Alumni, Higher education, Mobility, Study abroad, Education abroad


Through a survey of 1,283 alumni of a large U.S. public university who graduated between 1980 and 2010, this study compares the global engagement of university graduates who did and didn’t study abroad as undergraduates. Global engagement was measured through self-reported behaviours associated with six domains: civic engagement, knowledge production, philanthropy, social entrepreneurship, voluntary simplicity and internationally-oriented leisure activities. Results show that alumni who participated in study abroad programs as undergraduates reported higher levels of global engagement in most domains (civic engagement, philanthropy, voluntary simplicity, and internationally-oriented leisure activities), but not in all (knowledge production, social entrepreneurship).


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Author Biographies

Dianna Murphy

Dianna Murphy, PhD., is Associate Director of the Language Institute and the Russian Flagship Center at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Her interests include study abroad, student goals for language learning, perceptions of effective language teaching, and assessment of language teaching and learning.

Narek Sahakyan

Narek Sahakyan is an Associate Researcher with the Wisconsin Center of Education Research, in the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. With a specialization in the field of Applied Economics, Sahkyan’s research and publications are in the fields of economics of corruption, foreign language learning standards, English language learner education, and economics of sports.

Doua Yong-Yi

Doua Yong-Yi is a doctoral student in Second Language Acquisition at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Formerly a public school foreign language/ESL teacher, her current research interests include language pedagogy, language ideologies and family language policy. 

Sally Sieloff Magnan

Sally Sieloff Magnan is Professor of French, Emerita, of the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Formerly, she was the Director of the Language Institute at that institution and editor of The Modern Language Journal for 14 years. Her research interests and wide range of publications, include study abroad, language assessment, teacher development, and applications of language learning research to the classroom. She is also co-author of the first-year French college textbook Paroles (Wiley).


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How to Cite

Murphy, D., Sahakyan, N., Yong-Yi , D., & Magnan, S. S. (2014). The Impact of Study Abroad on the Global Engagement of University Graduates. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 24(1), 1–24.



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