Transcending the Culturalist Impasse in Stays Abroad: Helping Mobile Students to Appreciate Diverse Diversities


  • Fred Dervin



Study abroad, Education abroad, Cultural competency, Mobile students


This article presents a study based on research carried out on various aspects of student mobility in Europe and aims to go beyond the ‘myths’ related to study abroad and examine how mobile students can develop competencies that can aid them when dealing with various aspects of the experience. This article calls for a change in the manner in which we consider intercultural communication, by adopting an approach which concentrates solely on the analysis of identity (co-)construction—a key element in the development of noticing strategies used by interlocutors to “dramatize themselves.”

This article rejects the idea of encountering cultures meeting which is based on a culturalist approach that has been increasingly criticized for reducing individuals to mere “robots programmed with ‘cultural’ rules” (Abu-Lughod, 1991, p. 158). As Philipps asserts, culture is not delimited, it is not homogeneous and it is continually being produced by individuals. 




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Author Biography

Fred Dervin

Fred Dervin is Senior Lecturer in French studies at the University of Turku, Finland and Adjunct Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Joensuu, Finland. His fields of research are modern foreign language didactics, intercultural communication and education, and discourse analysis. His publications include many articles on various aspects of Erasmus/student mobility. He has organized the international conference “Academic Mobility: blending perspectives,” which took place in Turku. He is currently co-editing several volumes on academic mobility as well as a book in French on Erasmus students’ experiences in Finland.


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How to Cite

Dervin, F. (2009). Transcending the Culturalist Impasse in Stays Abroad: Helping Mobile Students to Appreciate Diverse Diversities. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 18(1), 119–141.



Research Articles